Hmm..Come August onwards...its Indian festival time..yippee..
The benefit that I have is I get to celebrate most of the R is from kerala and that way we self proclaim ourselves as half-keralites;)
In the month of August, was the festival of Onam. Festival of good food..ha ha..and colorful clothes and lots of good music...this year we celebrated it quietly at was a monday..sounds like all good days this year falls on a monday!!!
In office, I spent a lot of time thinking what to prepare for the of my office friends told me that one prepares the Onam sadhya...meaning a five course elaborate meal..!!!
Well, I decided to make 5 I did a whole lot of shopping on way back home...and started the elaborate prep!
Actually it wasnt difficult, I quickly sifted through the recipes online..and started dolling out the dishes!!
Kadala(Channa) Curry, Morr(Curd)Curry, Avial, Rice, Cabbage Curry, Papad and Rice payasam!!!
At the end of it, we had a very good meal...Happy Onam:)