Its indeed a beautiful day..today..guess every day is like that. Naturewise today it is just the right temperature not too cold neither too warm..
I got up quite lazily today but did my usual routine of working out, eating well:) Now am upto reading my novel..and suddenly the fire alarm goes off..or on..whatever..
So I jump from my seat and open all the doors..wondering what is burning in my house when I cant smell anything weird..!
Then it calms down all of a sudden and after some time there it goes again this time louder almost like its my house alarm!So I step out into the balcony and see some workers going around the area...One of them says hi to me and mentions that they are just testing the fire alarm system! That explains it all..
The time I was out, I noticed the water in the pond outside our home flowing by itself happily..hehe I almost sound like a poet..! It looked perfect almost like the day when I landed here in june last year..time flies but it leaves such good memories and today I feel happy remembering those and living it again..
So I take out my camera and click away pictures capturing the moments and freezing it in time..